Cookies and Privacy Policy

Littsaves ensures to protect the privacy of the users of their platform to meet protection rules according to General Data Protection Regulation. The below text is provided to make sure that the user knows about our privacy policies and the use of the data they are providing while using the website. The users will know about the motive of collecting and using their personal information.

Our privacy policies will keep updating according to the time due to certain reasons. Whenever there will be a major change in our policies, we will let the users know about it with a notification. We will assume that they have read the updates and are completely fine with it.

Data protection principles

The data on our website are processed by ensuring adequate protection of the data. We make sure to follow the guidelines and rules of the privacy of the users and according make use of all the information collected.

Data we collect

These privacy statements are applicable for the data that we get directly from the users, from third-party applications, or any other source whenever required. The personal data through which the user is identified is directly collected by the user while registration on the website. Other data such as contact information, income information, or other user-related information is collected when the users fill a particular survey form or a request for a quote.

How we collect your data

The data we collect can be a piece of direct information provided by the user or an indirect or through automatic technologies.

The direct data is in form of a registration form or a complaint or report form. This is mostly personal information such as name, address, or contact information.

Another type of indirect information is collected when the users interact with the website or use the services. To exemplify, the data such as the device you are using or the browser being used is automatically collected.


Cookies are small text files to store the information on the hard drive. We use them to track the user's movement, administering the site, and collecting information regarding users of the platform.

Cookies are used to remember users' preferences such as language or identification. There is an option to accept or decline the use of cookies which will only make a hindrance in using only a few features of the website.

Reason to use your data

To create and maintain user accounts. Third parties may be included in it. Littsaves is not responsible for data loss due to any third party. We analyze the collected data to enhance our services.

On basis of the data, we decide to make certain updates or changes to the website. The sending of particular data such as information regarding a security notification, certain updates, and much more.

Notices related to alternations in the policies or terms of the platform.